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The Montclair Bird Club
Celebrating Over 100 Years of Birding
American Wigeon Pair
pair of American wigeons swimming right
Limpkin, bird of the year, flying left
Belted Kingfisher
Belted kingfisher perched on a branch
Northern gannet
Northern gannet flying left
American wigeons & black ducks
a reft of American wigeons & black ducks swimming right
BW masthead.jpg
American Wigeon Pair
pair of American wigeons swimming right
Limpkin, bird of the year, flying left
Belted Kingfisher
Belted kingfisher perched on a branch
Northern gannet
Northern gannet flying left
American wigeons & black ducks
a reft of American wigeons & black ducks swimming right
BW masthead.jpg
American Wigeon Pair
pair of American wigeons swimming right
Limpkin, bird of the year, flying left
Belted Kingfisher
Belted kingfisher perched on a branch
Northern gannet
Northern gannet flying left
American wigeons & black ducks
a reft of American wigeons & black ducks swimming right
BW masthead.jpg
American Wigeon Pair
pair of American wigeons swimming right
Limpkin, bird of the year, flying left
Belted Kingfisher
Belted kingfisher perched on a branch
Northern gannet
Northern gannet flying left
American wigeons & black ducks
a reft of American wigeons & black ducks swimming right
BW masthead.jpg
American Wigeon Pair
pair of American wigeons swimming right
Limpkin, bird of the year, flying left
Belted Kingfisher
Belted kingfisher perched on a branch
Northern gannet
Northern gannet flying left
American wigeons & black ducks
a reft of American wigeons & black ducks swimming right
BW masthead.jpg
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Quizzes 1-50
Quizzes 51-100
Quizzes 101-150
Quizzes 151-200
Your Weekly Bird
Sandy Sorkin
Rick Wright
Wayne Quinto
Phil Witt
Donna Traylor
Fred Goode
100th Photo Contest
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Your Weekly Bird
1 Barred Antshrike
2 American Goldfinch
3 Wood Duck
4 Hawks
5 Red-tailed Hawk
6 Osprey
7 Ruby-throated Hummingbird
8 Wilson Storm Petrel
9 Least Sandpiper
10 Vultures
11 Purple Finch
12 Woodchat Shrike
13 Clark Grebe
14 Revised Bird Names
15 Eastern Phoebe
16 Cedar Waxwing
17 Piping Plover
18 Indigo Bunting
19 Cactus Wren
20 Common Cuckoo
21 Peregrine Falcon
22 Yellow-rumped Warbler
23 Canada Goose
24 Snowy Owl
25 American Goldfinch
26 Ruby-crowned Kinglet
27 American Kestrel
28 Grey Catbird
29 Song Sparrow
30 Ground Dove
31 Corn Bunting
32 White Ibis
33 Golden Eyes
34 Roseate Spoonbill
35 Robin Nestlings
36 Canada Goose
37 Yellow-rumped Warbler
38 Harris Sparrow
39 Green Honeycreeper
40 Plovers
41 American Oystercatcher
42 Pileated Woodpecker
43 Black-crowned Night
44 Sandhill Crane
45 Dickcissel
46 Reddish Egret
47 White-fronted Bee-eaters
48 Downy Woodpecker
49 African Pygmy Goose
50 Barn Swallow
51 American Avocet
52 Kori Bustard
53 Laughing Gull
54 Can you ID this bird?
55 Goldfinches
56 Chough
57 Ruby Throated Hummingbird
58 Hawks
59 Rusty Breasted Cuckoo
60 Scarlet Tanager
61 Brown Headed Cowbird
62 Scissor Tailed Flycatcher
63 Scopoli Shearwater
64 Bannanaquit
65 Curvy Billed Shorebirds
66 Carolina Wren
67 Eastern Phoebe
68 Cellphone Camera
69 Where ya from?
70 Red
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