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Week of March 7–14: Woodcock Watch

A birder's meet-up.

The precise date depends on the woodcock's calendar. The address in Oldwick will be provided on registration. To register, send your contact information to Attendance is limited to twelve people.

Every spring, male American woodcock put on an amazing courtship display, which we can witness here in New Jersey.  At dawn and at dusk, the males give a loud peent call from the ground, then spring up into the air, flying in a wide spiral with their wings twittering. Once they reach a height of 200 or 250 feet, they zigzag back to the ground, chirping as they go. 

The MBC member Deb DeSalvo has generously offered to host a meet-up to view the woodcock courtship dance at her farm in Oldwick, New Jersey. Woodcock courtship at Deb's place usually starts sometime between March 7 and March 14. Once the woodcocks have begun to display, Deb will let us know, and the meet-up will be held a day or two later. Once we arrive at the site, we will walk around Deb’s property for a short time, birding as we go.  At sunset, we will walk to a wetland area where we are likely to hear and, with luck, see the birds.



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