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Saturday, October 5: Hilltop Reservation

Meet at 8:00 am in the parking lot at Mountain Avenue and Courter Lane, North Caldwell, near the dog park.


Hilltop Reservation is a 284-acre nature preserve located on the Second Watchung Mountain, at the point where North Caldwell, Verona, and Cedar Grove meet. The habitat includes upland grasslands, oak-hickory and beech-maple forest, and open and wooded wetlands. In the center of the reservation, the native grasses and wildflowers of a 15-acre meadow, restored by the Hilltop Conservancy, are often excellent for fall migrants. In recent autumns, birds seen here have included the Bobolink, Clay-colored Sparrow, Connecticut Warbler, and Yellow-breasted Chat. 


Bathrooms or porta-sans are available in the parking lot. Bring binoculars, tick

repellent, a snack, and water. A sunhat is recommended.


From the Montclair area, take Bloomfield Avenue west to Mountain Avenue in north Caldwell. Turn right on Mountain Avenue, then right on Courter Lane and park.


Write for more information.  



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